EDI Policy

Electronic Data Interchange (EDI) Policy for Synthosense Limited

1. Introduction

Synthosense Limited (“Synthosense”) is committed to conducting business electronically and efficiently. This EDI Policy outlines the guidelines and procedures for electronically exchanging business documents with our trading partners.

2. EDI Benefits

EDI offers several benefits for Synthosense and our trading partners, including:

  • Increased efficiency and accuracy in data exchange
  • Reduced paperwork and administrative costs
  • Improved communication and visibility throughout the supply chain
  • Faster order processing and fulfilment

3. EDI Requirements

To participate in EDI with Synthosense, you must meet the following requirements:

  • Standards Compliance: EDI transactions must comply with relevant EDI standards, such as EDIFACT or X12. We will specify the specific standard(s) required for each business document type.
  • Trading Partner Agreement: A formal trading partner agreement outlining the specific terms and conditions for EDI communication will be established between Synthosense and each participating partner.
  • Software and Hardware: You are responsible for acquiring and maintaining the necessary EDI translation software and hardware to communicate electronically with Synthosense.
  • Testing and Certification: Prior to initiating live EDI transactions, you must successfully complete a testing and certification process to ensure accurate data exchange.

4. EDI Implementation

Synthosense will work collaboratively with you to implement EDI. The implementation process will typically involve the following steps:

  • Needs Assessment: We will discuss your EDI requirements and identify the business documents you wish to exchange electronically.
  • Standards Selection: The appropriate EDI standard(s) will be chosen based on the type of documents being exchanged.
  • Data Mapping: A data mapping process will be established to ensure that data elements are translated accurately between our respective systems.
  • Testing and Certification: A comprehensive testing and certification process will be conducted to verify the accuracy and security of EDI transactions.
  • Go-Live: Once testing is successful, live EDI transactions can commence.

5. Security

Synthosense takes data security very seriously. We will implement appropriate security measures to protect the confidentiality and integrity of data transmitted electronically. These measures may include:

  • Secure data encryption protocols
  • User authentication and authorization controls
  • Regular security audits and updates

6. EDI Maintenance and Support

Synthosense is committed to providing ongoing support to our EDI trading partners. We will work with you to resolve any issues that may arise and ensure the smooth operation of EDI communication.

7. Non-Compliance

If a trading partner fails to comply with the terms of this EDI Policy or the trading partner agreement, Synthosense reserves the right to suspend or terminate EDI communication.

8. Review and Updates

This EDI Policy will be reviewed and updated periodically to reflect changes in business needs, technology, and industry standards.

9. Contact Information

For any questions regarding this EDI Policy or EDI implementation, please contact the Synthosense EDI department at [email protected].